Blue Lights recap: series two, episode three – sexy, messy affairs
Michael Hogan
The series reached its midway mark with simmering tension and surprise tragedy. Here’s your sit-rep on the third episode, titled Love Knows …
Lee’s power grab
After the frighteningly efficient hit on the loyalist crime lord Jim Dixon, it was action stations. Extra manpower was deployed in case of reprisals on the Mount Eden estate. Dixie’s arch-rival Davy Hamill (Tony Flynn) was questioned after issuing death threats to Dixie but as his slick lawyer pointed out, the detectives had nothing. So why did the hotshot brief suddenly drop Hamill’s case? Because there was a new player in town.
The ambitious publican Lee Thompson (Séamus O’Hara) persuaded the Dublin mob to let him take over Belfast’s entire drug supply. He’s not affiliated to either warring gang but would ...